
Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and General Conditions of Sale (GCS)

General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Contracts for the rental of technology, lighting and/or sound systems –
tennagels Medientechnik GmbH, Ackerstraße 11, 40233 Düsseldorf (as of January 2014)

1) General information

a) The following General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of all offers and contracts for the hire of technical equipment and shall also apply to all future business with tennagels Medientechnik.
b) Conflicting terms and conditions of the customer shall not become part of the contract.
c) A rental contract with the customer is only concluded with the order confirmation by tennagels Medientechnik, but at the latest with the handover of the rental or licence object to the renter.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

a) The subject matter of the rental agreement is the individual devices listed in the licence agreement or the order confirmation. tennagels Medientechnik reserves the right to replace the aforementioned individual devices with devices with the same functions.
b) In the case of self-collection, the rental period begins with the handover of the equipment, in the case of dispatch with the handover to the transport company and ends with the return of the rental item to tennagels Medientechnik. If the rented item is assembled and dismantled by tennagels Medientechnik or its vicarious agents, the rental period shall begin with the start of the assembly work and end with the completion of the dismantling work.
c) If tennagels Medientechnik is in default with the transfer of the rental object, the hirer must set tennagels Medientechnik a reasonable grace period within which the hirer can make up for the transfer of the rental object.
d) The hirer is obliged to use the rented item with due care, in particular to observe all instructions for use and maintenance. The tenant must replace any lamps that fail during the rental period at his own expense.
e) If shipment of the rental object has been agreed, this shall take place in standard packaging at the expense of the hirer.
f) Equipment may not be passed on to third parties by tenants without prior written agreement.
g) In the event of seizure and other access by third parties to the equipment, the hirer must point out the ownership of tennagels Medientechnik. He is also obliged to inform tennagels Medientechnik immediately of any seizure or other access by third parties to the equipment. In the event of seizure, he must immediately send the seizure protocol to tennagels Medientechnik and to ensure that the seized item is identical to the equipment rented from tennagels Medientechnik. sich zu vergewissern, dass der beschlagnahmte Gegenstand mit dem von tennagels Medientechnik gemieteten Gerät identisch ist.
h) In the event of default of payment by the tenant, in particular in the event of suspension of payment, application for or opening of insolvency or judicial or extrajudicial composition proceedings against the assets of the tenant, tennagels Medientechnik shall be entitled to demand the immediate surrender of the rented items. In this case, tennagels Medientechnik shall also be entitled to demand the assignment of the tenant’s claims for restitution against third parties.

a) Offers from tennagels Medientechnik are subject to change unless they are expressly designated as binding.
b) Not included in the stated rent are possibly Personnel costs (if not specified separately), costs for work equipment (risers, scissor lifts, etc.), their delivery or removal, kilometre flat rates, expenses, postage, insurance and packaging.
c) If personnel costs are shown separately, they do not include travel to and from the event, hotel costs or catering.
d) Travelling costs, overnight stays and expenses shall be invoiced at cost, unless stated in the offer. Flights within Europe are operated in Economy Class, intercontinental flights in Business Class. Rail travel is in 1st class. Journeys by car are charged at €0.50/km, by van up to 3.5 tonnes at €0.70/km and by lorry up to 7.5 tonnes at €1.40/km.
e) tennagels Medientechnik shall be responsible for increasing the contractually agreed rent if 4 months have passed between the conclusion of the contract and the delivery or collection of the goods.

a) The renter is liable for any loss, damage and deterioration of the rental object. The lessee undertakes to take out property insurance for the period of contractual utilisation of the service, including extended utilisation, which covers the rental object against loss, theft, damage, damage due to vandalism and destruction. The costs shall be borne by the tenant.
b) The tenant has the exclusive duty to ensure the safety of the rented property.
c) Self-collectors are liable for the condition of the rented item from the time of handover.
d) In the case of a delivery agreement, the hirer is liable for the condition of the rented item from the time of handover to the transport company,unless the hirer has agreed to take out transport damage insurance at his own expense when concluding the contract. Complaints about transport damage must be made directly to the transport company. During the entire rental period, the tenant must protect the rental items against theft and damage at his own expense. insure. tennagels Medientechnik reserves the right to demand proof of this.
e) The lessee shall be liable for the consequences of incorrect and incomplete information as well as transmission errors during the call-off.
f) In the event of assembly and dismantling by tennagels Medientechnik or its vicarious agents, the hirer shall be liable for the condition of the hired item from the time of the start of assembly until the end of dismantling. The functional handover of the rented property shall take place by means of a joint inspection (landlord – tenant) and the signing of a handover protocol drawn up by tennagels Medientechnik.
g) tennagels Medientechnik shall be liable for injury to life, limb and health in the event of its own wilful or negligent breaches of duty and for fault on the part of its legal representatives and vicarious agents in accordance with the statutory provisions. For claims, tennagels Medientechnik is liable for the absence of contractually guaranteed properties and for negligent breach of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). If the breach of a cardinal obligation – also by its vicarious agents – is not negligent or intentional, the liability of tennagels Medientechnik shall be limited in amount to such contract-typical damages as were reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded.
h) tennagels Medientechnik shall not be liable for loss of profit, loss of savings, damages from third-party claims and other indirect damages and consequential damages.
i) War, terrorism, strikes, lock-outs, shortages of raw materials and energy, operational and traffic disruptions, official decrees – also insofar as they make the execution of the affected business uneconomical for the foreseeable future – and all cases of force majeure, including at suppliers, shall release tennagels Medientechnik from the obligation arising from the rental contract for the duration of the disruption and to the extent of its effects. Such events shall entitle tennagels Medientechnik to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part
the contract in whole or in part without the hirer being able to derive any right to compensation.
j) Rental downtimes for which the tenant is responsible are to be paid by the tenant to the extent of the actual rental costs. Further receivables (procurement of replacement material) for the fulfilment of follow-up rental agreements are not yet included here. These costs will be invoiced separately.
k) If the rented item is recognisably defective at the time of handover, the hirer must notify tennagels Medientechnik of this defect in writing without delay. The tenant must report any other defects during the rental period. If the tenant fails to report a defect immediately, he may neither reduce the consideration nor assert a right of retention. The tenant is liable for all damage caused to the rental object and/or the property and assets of third parties due to the fact that a notification of defects was culpably not submitted or was submitted late.
l) If proof of a defect is provided, tennagels Medientechnik shall be entitled to choose between rectification of the defect on site and replacement delivery. If the defect leads to the cancellation of the functionality of the appliance, no rent is payable for this period.
the rent can be reduced appropriately.
m) Im Schadensfall dürfen die Geräte weder vom Mieter noch von einem Dritten ohne Zustimmung von tennagels Medientechnik geöffnet bzw. repariert werden.
n) In the event of a defect, the tenant may only terminate the tenancy for good cause after a reasonable period of time has been granted to tennagels Medientechnik to rectify the defect or supply a replacement device.

a) The hirer must ensure that the location at which the service is to be provided by
tennagels Medientechnik is to provide its services in accordance with the contract is suitable. In addition, it is also the responsibility of the hirer to obtain any necessary official authorisations and/or comparable requirements from third parties at his own expense.
b) If the service can only be provided by tennagels Medientechnik at the desired location with additional expenditure which is not the subject of the contract, tennagels Medientechnik may document the additional expenditure and charge it to the hirer. tennagels Medientechnik shall inform the meter in advance of the defectiveness of the place of performance with reference to this clause and quantify the expected volume of expenditure.

General Conditions of Sale (GCS)

Stand: 16.11.2020

§1 Subject matter of the contract, validity of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Tennagels Medientechnik GmbH (hereinafter ‘Tennagels’) sells goods such as LED screens, integrated media, holography, touch tables, kinetics, special media technology solutions and software programming to commercial customers (hereinafter ‘Buyers’) and, on request, also undertakes the installation and assembly of these items for the Customers. The following General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) shall apply to all agreements made by Tennagels with buyers in this context, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the parties and/or unless this is contrary to amendable statutory provisions. The buyer’s terms and conditions shall only become the subject of a contractual relationship concluded between the parties if they are consistent with the following Tennagels GTCS or if Tennagels has expressly agreed to their validity in text form upon conclusion of the contract.

All offers are made in text form and are non-binding until the order is expressly confirmed by Tennagels in text form.

(i) The prices apply to collection ex works, unless otherwise agreed.
(ii) Tennagels is entitled to adjust the agreed prices accordingly if a change in costs occurs between the placing of the order and the date of delivery and if there are more than six weeks between the conclusion of the contract and the agreed delivery date. This applies in particular to a change in the costs of raw materials, consumables and supplies, unfinished and finished products, labour, packaging, freight, taxes and other duties, as well as other production, distribution and administrative costs. Buyers are only entitled to withdraw from the contract if the price is to increase by more than 3%.
(iii) For services ordered by the buyer for which no prices have been agreed between the parties, Tennagels shall charge the usual prices on the day of delivery.
(iv) All prices are subject to VAT at the rate applicable at the time of purchase.
(v) In addition to the agreed remuneration, the buyer shall bear all necessary ancillary costs such as travelling expenses, costs for the transport of hand tools and personal luggage as well as daily allowances, provided Tennagels undertakes the installation or assembly and unless otherwise agreed between the parties.

(i) The terms of payment stated in the order confirmation shall apply. Unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, payment must be made without deductions 14 days after the date of the invoice to the bank account specified by Tennagels.
(ii) Cheques are only accepted on account of performance, bills of exchange are not accepted.
(iii) In the event of late payment, Tennagels shall charge interest on arrears at the legally applicable rate. Tennagels reserves the right to claim any further damages.
(iv) Advance payments shall not bear interest. Expenses of any kind shall be borne by the buyer.
(v) Tennagels is entitled to demand immediate payment or sufficient security from buyers or to withdraw from the contract without any obligation to pay compensation and to postpone the fulfillment of any orders still to be executed if circumstances become known after the contract has been concluded which are likely to reduce the creditworthiness of the buyer. In the event of suspension of payment or insolvency of the Buyer, all outstanding invoices shall be due for payment immediately.
(vi) Partial deliveries at the buyer’s request will be invoiced separately.

(i) If the buyer defaults on a due payment, Tennagels shall be entitled to withhold the services owed until the default has been remedied.
(ii) The assertion of a right of retention by the buyer is only permissible if his claim is based on the contract between the parties and is undisputed or has been legally established.
(iii) Offsetting is only permissible with undisputed or legally established claims.

(i) he delivered goods shall remain the property of Tennagels until payment of all claims arising from the business relationship, including future claims, irrespective of the legal grounds on which they are based. In the case of current accounts (current account), the retention of title shall serve as security for Tennagels’ balance claim.
(ii) The buyer may resell the goods subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business, but only against cash payment or subject to retention of title and on condition that his claim arising from the sale is transferred to Tennagels. The buyer shall not be entitled to dispose of the goods in any other way, in particular to pledge them or assign them as security.
(iii) The buyer hereby assigns to Tennagels all claims against third parties arising from contracts, dispositions or other legal acts relating to the reserved goods, including his trade margin. Tennagels accepts this assignment. By way of exception, only the partial amount corresponding to the invoice value of the goods delivered by Tennagels shall be assigned to Tennagels with priority over the remaining claim, provided that the goods are resold together with items not belonging to Tennagels at a total price or the claim from the resale also relates to other services provided by the buyer.
(iv) The processing of the delivered goods shall be carried out for Tennagels without any obligations arising for Tennagels. If the goods are processed and combined with other goods not belonging to Tennagels by the buyer, Tennagels shall acquire co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the value of the goods subject to retention of title to the other goods at the time of processing or combination. In the event that the buyer has already established an expectant right prior to the processing of the goods, the buyer and Tennagels hereby agree that an equivalent expectant right shall arise to the new item created by the processing.
(v) Despite the assignment, the purchaser shall remain authorised to collect the claims arising from the contracts, dispositions or other legal acts within the meaning of § 4. Tennagel’s authorisation to collect shall remain unaffected by that of the buyer. However, Tennagels shall not collect the claims as long as the buyer is not in default of payment, insolvent, bankrupt or otherwise jeopardising the seller’s security interest. Tennagels may at any time demand from the buyer the information required to assert Tennagels’ claims.
(vi) The buyer must notify Tennagels immediately of any impending or completed access by third parties to the goods subject to the agreed retention of title or the claims assigned to Tennagels, as well as of any other impairments, in particular through global assignments, etc. The buyer shall bear the costs of defence against third-party intervention if he does not notify Tennagels or does not notify Tennagels in good time and, in the event of successful intervention, if enforcement of the costs against the third party as debtor has been attempted in vain.
(vii) Tennagels is entitled to demand the return of the goods in its ownership if the buyer is in default of payment or is in breach of his obligations. A right of retention cannot be asserted against this claim for restitution.
(viii) Tennagels may revoke the authorisation to resell or collect the claims assigned to Tennagels in the event of default of payment, insolvency of the buyer or any other threat to the security interest. The assertion of the claim for surrender and the seizure by Tennagels of goods owned by Tennagels shall not be deemed cancellation of the contract.

(i) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the delivery term ‘ex works’ (EXW – Incoterms 2010) shall apply, even if freight and other costs are borne by Tennagels. Tennagels may combine several of the buyer’s orders in one shipment, unless a separate delivery has been expressly agreed between the parties in text form in advance. Tennagels shall decide on the type of delivery and the transport partner.
(ii) The goods shall be packed at the buyer’s expense.
(iii) The risk shall pass to the buyer as follows, even in the case of carriage paid delivery:

a) for deliveries without installation or assembly, when the goods have been dispatched or collected,
b) in the case of deliveries with installation or assembly, on the day of acceptance at the customer’s own premises or, if agreed, after a faultless trial run.

iv) Tennagels shall only take out transport insurance at the express request and for the account of the buyer.

(i) Delivery shall be made within the shortest possible time, unless a delivery period has been expressly agreed between the parties.
(ii) The delivery period shall commence upon notification of all circumstances essential for the fulfilment of the order and compliance with the agreed terms of payment by the Buyer. The deadline shall be deemed to have been met if readiness for dispatch has been notified or the goods have left the factory by the time it expires.
(iii) Agreed delivery periods are only approximate. Taking into account the agreed delivery time, minor delays of up to 2 weeks shall be accepted as being in accordance with the contract
(iv) The right of cancellation and the liability for slightly negligent damage caused by delay to non-essential legal assets are excluded without prejudice to a statutory right of withdrawal.
(v) The buyer shall only be entitled to withdraw from the contract if he has previously set Tennagels a reasonable grace period for delivery in text form without success.
(vi) The buyer shall only be entitled to compensation in lieu of performance if the delay is due to intent or gross negligence; a claim for damages shall be limited to the amount of foreseeable damage.
(vii) The exclusion of liability (iv) and the limitation of liability pursuant to (vi) shall not apply if a commercial transaction for delivery by a fixed date has been agreed in writing and Tennagels is responsible for the delay in delivery due to wilful intent or gross negligence.
(viii) Tennagels shall be entitled to render partial performance insofar as this is reasonable for the buyer.
(ix) Tennagels may charge the buyer a storage fee of 0.5 % for each month or part thereof, up to a maximum of 5 % of the price of the items of the deliveries, if dispatch or delivery is delayed at the buyer’s request by more than one month after notification of readiness for dispatch. The parties are at liberty to prove higher or lower storage costs.

Tennagels is released from its existing performance obligations for the duration of a disruption and to the extent of its effect if unforeseeable, unavoidable events beyond its control and for which Tennagels is not responsible, such as epidemics, a pandemic, energy or material shortages, operational or traffic disruptions, industrial disputes (strike or lockout) or other cases of force majeure at Tennagels or its suppliers make this impossible. However, Tennagels is obliged, within reasonable bounds, to provide the buyer with the necessary information without delay and to adapt its obligations to the changed circumstances in good faith. To this end, Tennagels may, for example, extend an agreed delivery period accordingly or withdraw from the contract in whole or in part if the impediment is not short-lived.

i) The buyer must accept the goods at his own expense and provide them in good time:

a) the equipment and materials required for assembly and commissioning, such as scaffolding, lifting tools and other devices, fuels and lubricants, as well as for all ancillary work outside the industry,
b) Energy and water at the point of use, including connections, heating and lighting,
c) at the installation site for the storage of materials, tools etc. sufficiently large, suitable, dry and lockable rooms and for the installation personnel adequate working and recreation rooms; in addition, the buyer shall take the same measures to protect the property of Tennagels and the installation personnel on the construction site as he would take to protect his own property,
d) Protective clothing and protective devices that are required due to special circumstances at the installation site..

(ii) Before installation work begins, the purchaser must provide the necessary information on the location of concealed power, gas and water lines or similar installations as well as the required structural data without being asked. He must ensure that the installation and commissioning are not disturbed by mobile means of communication.
(iii) Prior to the start of installation or assembly, the materials and objects required for the start of the work must be available at the installation or assembly site and all preparatory work must have progressed to such an extent that the installation or assembly can be started as agreed and carried out without interruption.
(iv) If the installation, assembly or commissioning is delayed due to circumstances for which Tennagels is not responsible, the buyer shall certify the costs for the waiting time and any additional travelling required by Tennagels or the assembly personnel to a reasonable extent.
(v) The buyer must immediately certify to Tennagels on a weekly basis the duration of the working time of the assembly personnel as well as the completion of the installation, assembly or commissioning.
(vi) The buyer must accept the service provided within two weeks of completion at the latest, if this is requested by Tennagels. If this does not occur, acceptance shall be deemed to have taken place. Acceptance shall also be deemed to have taken place when the delivery has been put into use by the customer – if applicable after completion of an agreed test phase.

(i) The Buyer shall be granted a non-exclusive right of use to the software belonging to the goods and supplied, including its documentation.
(ii) If applicable, the software shall be provided for use on the delivery item intended for this purpose.
(iii) Use of the software on more than one system is not licensed. The granting of sub-licences is not permitted
(iv) Der Käufer darf die Software nur im gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang vervielfältigen, überarbeiten, über-setzen oder von dem Objektcode in den Quellcode umwandeln (vgl. §§ 69a) ff. UrhG). Alle sonstigen Reche an der Software und den Dokumenten einschließlich von Kopien verbleiben bei Tennagels und/oder ggfls. bei dem Lieferanten der Software.
(v) Der Käufer verpflichtet sich, Herstellerangaben, insbesondere Copyright-Vermerke nicht zu entfernen oder ohne vorherige Zustimmung von Tennagels zu verändern.

i)An der Ware angebrachte Zeichen, auch in Kombination mit anderen Zeichenbestandteilen sind eingetragene Marken. Der Käufer erhält zur Nutzung eine nicht ausschließliche Lizenz beschränkt auf das Land, in dem die Marke entsprechend der zwischen den Parteien getroffenen Vereinbarung genutzt werden soll.
ii) Sofern nicht anders vereinbart, ist Tennagels verpflichtet, die Lieferung lediglich im Land des Erfüllungsorts frei von gewerblichen Schutzrechten und Urheberrechten Dritter (im Folgenden: Schutzrechte) zu erbringen. Sofern ein Dritter gegen den Käufer wegen der Verletzung von Schutzrechten durch von Tennagels erbrachte bzw. durch den Käufer vertragsgemäß genutzte Lieferungen berechtigte Ansprüche erhebt, haftet Tennagels für die Dauer von 24 Monaten seit dem Kauf der Ware wie folgt:

a) Tennagels wird nach ihrer Wahl und auf ihre Kosten für die betreffenden Lieferungen entweder ein Nutzungsrecht erwirken, die Leistung so ändern, dass das Schutzrecht nicht mehr verletzt wird, oder die Lieferung austauschen. Ist dies nicht zu angemessenen Bedingungen möglich, stehen dem Käufer die gesetzlichen Rücktritts- oder Minderungsrechte zu.
b) Die vorstehend genannten Pflichten bestehen nur, soweit der Käufer Tennagels über die vom Dritten geltend gemachten Ansprüche unverzüglich schriftlich informiert, eine Verletzung nicht anerkennt und Tennagels alle Abwehrmaßnahmen und Vergleichsverhandlungen vorbehalten bleiben. Stellt der Käufer die Nutzung der Lieferung aus Schadensminderungs- oder sonstigen wichtigen Gründen ein, ist er verpflichtet, den Dritten darauf hinzuweisen, dass mit der Nutzungseinstellung kein Anerkenntnis einer Schutzrechtsverletzung verbunden ist.

(iii) Ansprüche des Käufers sind ausgeschlossen, soweit er die Schutzrechtsverletzung zu vertreten hat.
(iv) Ansprüche des Käufers sind ferner ausgeschlossen, soweit die Schutzrechtsverletzung durch spezielle Vorgaben des Käufers, durch eine von Tennagels nicht voraussehbare Anwendung oder dadurch verursacht wird, dass die Lieferung vom Käufer verändert oder zusammen mit nicht von Tennagels gelieferten Produkten eingesetzt wird.
(v) Im Falle von Schutzrechtsverletzungen sowie bei Vorliegen sonstiger Rechtsmängel gelten für die in § 12 (ii) geregelten Ansprüche des Käufers im Übrigen die Bestimmungen unter § 14 und § 15 entsprechend.
(vi) Weitergehende oder andere als die vorstehenden oder die unter den § 14 und § 15 geregelte Ansprüche des Käufers gegen Tennagels und ihre Erfüllungsgehilfen wegen eines Rechtemangels sind ausgeschlossen.
(vii) Die vorstehenden Regelungen gelten für dem Käufer zur Verfügung gestellte technische Unterlagen entsprechend.

Wartungen und Reparaturen erfolgen nur, sofern diese zwischen den Parteien zusätzlich in Textform ausdrücklich vereinbart worden sind.

(i) Tennagels haftet für Schäden, die dem Käufer durch die eigene Verwendung des Liefergegenstandes und dadurch entstanden sind, dass er aus dem Weiterverkauf für Schäden gegenüber Dritten einstehen muss nach Maßgabe der nachfolgenden Regelungen. Tennagels haftet nicht, wenn und soweit die Montage -, und Betriebsanleitung zu der gelieferten Ware nicht beachtet worden sind und hierdurch der Mangel be-dingt ist oder wenn der Liefergegenstand durch mobile Kommunikationsmittel gestört wird.
(ii) Für die gelieferte Ware leistet Tennagels Gewähr für einwandfreies Material, fachgerechte Konstruktion und Herstellung. Die Gewährleistung erstreckt sich auch darauf, dass Tennagels die zum Herstellungszeitpunkt gültigen einschlägigen DIN – Normen, Bau – und Prüfgrundsätze, DVGW – Zeichen, amtliche Prüfzeugnisse und Prüfbescheide eingehalten hat, sofern Tennagels sich in den verwendeten Verkaufs-unterlagen darauf bezogen hat. Ferner haftet Tennagels für Schäden, die entstehen, falls die dem Produkt beigefügte Montage und/oder Bedienungsanleitung unrichtig sind, sofern dies auf Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit von Tennagels oder seiner Erfüllungsgehilfen zurückzuführen ist.
(iii) Die in den Katalogen und Prospekten von Tennagels gemachten Angaben und Beschreibungen sind nur maßgeblich, wenn diese ausdrücklich Bestandteil der zwischen den Parteien getroffene individuelle Vereinbarungen geworden sind.
(iv) Soweit Tennagels zur Gewährleistung verpflichtet ist, können die mangelhaften Teile/Waren unentgeltlich nach Wahl von Tennagels entweder neu geliefert oder selbst oder durch Dritte in Stand gesetzt werden.Soweit der Käufer berechtigt ist, den Mangel selbst oder durch Dritte beseitigen zu lassen, ersetzt Tennagels auch die erforderlichen Aus- und Einbaukosten.
(v) Ist Tennagels zur Nacherfüllung nicht bereit oder nicht in der Lage, insbesondere verzögert sich diese über eine angemessene Frist hinaus oder schlägt sie in sonstiger Weise fehl, so ist der Käufer nach seiner Wahl berechtigt zu beanspruchen, dass der Vertrag rückgängig gemacht, der Kaufpreis entsprechend her-abgesetzt oder Schadensersatz geleistet wird.

(i) Der Käufer ist verpflichtet, die Ware unverzüglich nach Empfang – möglichst vor dem Abladen – auf Vollständigkeit und Mangelfreiheit zu untersuchen. Beanstandungen der Lieferung, insbesondere alle bei sorgfältiger Prüfung äußerlich erkennbaren Mängel, müssen vor Montage und binnen von zwei Wochen nach Empfang der Ware in Textform bei Tennagels eingegangen sein. Andere Mängel und etwa eintretende Folgeschäden müssen Tennagels unverzüglich, spätestens jedoch binnen von zwei Wochen nachdem sie entdeckt wurden oder hätten entdeckt werden können, gemeldet werden.
(ii) Sofern der Käufer Tennagels einen nicht verdeckten Mangel an der Ware nicht binnen der vorgenannten Frist in Textform mitteilt, gilt die gelieferte Ware als akzeptiert.
(iii) Der Käufer muss dafür sorgen, dass unverzüglich alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen zur Schadenminderung getroffen werden. Tennagels ist Gelegenheit zu geben, die mangelhaften Teile und die Schäden an Ort und Stelle in unverändertem Zustand zu besichtigen. Die aufgrund einer verzögerten Mängelanzeige entstehenden Mehrkosten sind vom Käufer zu tragen. Die in § 377 HGB vorgesehenen Regelungen bleiben davon unberührt. Nur in dringenden Fällen der Gefährdung der Sicherheit und zur Abwehr unverhältnismäßig großer Schäden oder wenn Tennagels sich mit der Instandsetzung im Verzug befindet oder sich Tennagels damit ausdrücklich einverstanden erklärt, steht dem Käufer das Recht zu, den Mangel am Liefergegenstand selbst oder durch Dritte zu beseitigen. Werden diese Verpflichtungen nicht beachtet, entfällt die Gewährleistung bzw. Haftung von Tennagels.
(iv) Sachmängelansprüche verjähren in 12 Monaten. Dies gilt nicht, soweit das Gesetz gemäß §§ 438 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 (Bauwerke und Sachen für Bauwerke), 479 Abs. 1 (Rückgriffsanspruch) und 634 a Abs. 1 Nr. 2 (Baumängel) BGB längere Fristen vorschreibt sowie in Fällen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit, bei einer vorsätzlichen oder grob fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzung des Lieferers und bei arg-listigem Verschweigen eines Mangels. Die gesetzlichen Regelungen über Ablaufhemmung, Hemmung und Neubeginn der Fristen bleiben unberührt.
(v) Ansprüche des Käufers wegen der zum Zweck, der Nacherfüllung erforderlichen Aufwendungen, ins-besondere Transport-, Wege-, Arbeits- und Materialkosten sind ausgeschlossen, soweit die Aufwendungen sich erhöhen, weil der Gegenstand der Lieferung nachträglich an einen anderen Ort als die Niederlassung des verbracht worden ist, es sei denn, die Verbringung entspricht seinem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch.
(vi) Rückgriffsansprüche des Käufers gegen Tennagels gemäß § 478 BGB (Rückgriff des Unternehmers) bestehen nur insoweit, als der Käufer mit seinem Abnehmer keine über die gesetzlichen Mängelansprüche hinausgehenden Vereinbarungen getroffen hat. Für den Umfang des Rückgriffsanspruchs des Käufers gegen Tennagels gemäß § 478 Abs. 2 BGB geltend die unter § 14 und § 15 vorgesehenen Regelungen entsprechend.
(vii) Tennagels haftet für eigene Pflichtverletzungen sowie für solche ihrer Verrichtungs- oder Erfüllungsgehilfen im Falle leichter Fahrlässigkeit nur bei Verletzung ihrer Pflichten aus § 14 (ii), begrenzt auf Schäden bis zu einer Höchstsumme von 1 Mio. € pro Schadensfall. Eine darüber hinaus gehende Haftung, insbesondere für Vermögensschäden, ist ausgeschlossen. Von dieser Beschränkung ausgeschlossen ist die Haftung wegen der Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit.
(viii) Für Schäden aus der Verletzung des Lebens, der Körpers oder der Gesundheit haftet Tennagels bei eigenem Verschulden nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Für alle sonstigen Schäden haftet Tennagels bei eigenem Verschulden nur bei Vorsatz und grober Fahrlässigkeit. Die Haftung für leichte/normale Fahr-lässigkeit ist ausgeschlossen.

(i) Gemäß der WEEE-Richtlinie (vgl. https://www.weee-full-service.com/de/elektrog-weee-richtlinie) er-hebt Tennagels eine Gebühr für die Entsorgung von Elektronikschrott. Die Gebühr richtet sich nach Art, Preis und Gewicht der Ware. Der Betrag wird der Einzel- oder Schlussrechnung für den Kauf hinzugefügt, nachdem Tennagels von dem Transportunternehmen die dafür notwendigen Gewichtsangaben erhalten hat.
(ii) Nach der Anlieferung und/oder Montage/Installation von Ware ist der Käufer dafür verantwortlich, Verpackungs- und Installationsabfälle ordnungsgemäß zu entsorgen. Werden in seinem Auftrag Verpackungen und Abfälle von Tennagels entsorgt, hat der Käufer die Tennagels dadurch entstehenden Kosten zu erstatten. Diese Kosten richten sich nach der dazu aufgewendeten Zeit und Menge an Verpackung und Abfall.

(i) Entsprechend § 33 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz wird auf die Geltend der Datenschutzbestimmungen von Tennagels in der jeweils aktuellen Fassung. Diese können eingesehen werden über https://www.tennagels.com/datenschutz/
(ii) Die Vertragsparteien verpflichten sich wechselseitig, über den Inhalt des geschlossenen Vertrags sowie etwaige ihnen bekanntwerdenden Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnisse auch nach Beendigung des Vertragsverhältnisses Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sollte der Käufer sich nicht an die Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarung halten, so ist Tennagels zur fristlosen Kündigung des oder der geschlossenen Verträge berech-tigt.
(iii) Die Verschwiegenheitsverpflichtung besteht nicht im Zusammenhang mit Informationen, die von den Vertragsparteien offen kommuniziert werden bzw. einer allgemeinen Zugänglichkeit unterliegen und/oder wenn die Vertragsparteien sich wechselseitig von der Pflicht zur Verschwiegenheit zuvor schriftlich befreit haben, sie dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet sind oder soweit die Offenlegung zur Wahrung berechtigter Interessen der Vertragsparteien erforderlich ist.

(i) Collateral agreements and amendments to the contract must be made in writing to be effective. This also applies to the revocation or amendment of the written form agreement itself.
(ii) Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Sale or the contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The affected provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic purpose intended by the invalid clause.
(iii) The place of performance shall be Tennagels’ place of business, unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation. German law shall apply exclusively, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
(iv) The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship shall be the registered office of Tennagels.

In the interests of easier readability, the distinction between the masculine and feminine forms has been partially omitted in these GTC and the masculine form has been used in each case. However, the word in question refers to both genders.


General Terms and Conditions as PDF for downloading and printing:
Status: January 2014



Our General Terms and Conditions of Sale as PDF for downloading and printing:
Status: 16.11.2020